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Where Can I Buy CBD Oil?

Miniature shopping cart with cannabis items, questioning where to purchase CBD oil.

From reputable online stores to your local corner shop, CBD is now more accessible than ever. However, this abundance of choice comes with its own set of challenges. With the market flooded with a wide range of products that vary in quality, efficacy, and safety, it's harder than ever to discern where the best place is to buy CBD oil.

In this article, we'll help you navigate through different types of CBD products, how to understand CBD labels, what legal aspects you need to consider, safety concerns, and most importantly, where you can buy the best CBD oil in the UK.

Where Can I Buy CBD Oil? - The Short Answer

CBD oil can be purchased from various locations in the UK, including online retailers, health food stores, high street shops, pharmacies and supermarkets. Online retailers offer the widest range of products, often at discounted prices through promotional codes. Many also provide next-day delivery services and prevent the need to travel into busy or congested shopping areas. Always ensure you purchase CBD oil from reputable sources to avoid low-quality or counterfeit items.

Different Types of CBD Products

Navigating the world of CBD products can be confusing, especially when it comes to understanding the different types of CBD oils available. While there are many variations, we'll introduce you to the main five types: CBD Isolate, Narrow-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum, Full Spectrum CBD Oil, and Whole-Plant. Each type has unique properties, benefits, and legal considerations. In the UK, it's crucial to note that Full Spectrum and Whole-Plant CBD oils, which may contain trace amounts of THC or other controlled cannabinoids, are technically illegal.

CBD Isolate

Why Choose This Type: If you're looking for a product that contains solely CBD without any other cannabinoids or plant compounds, CBD Isolate is the choice for you. It is the purest form of CBD, the extract can be up to 99% pure and contains no THC or other controlled cannabinoids.

Key Selling Points: CBD Isolate is often favoured for its predictability and simplicity. You know exactly what you're getting: only CBD. This makes it a good option for those who are cautious about consuming other cannabinoids.


Why Choose This Type: Narrow-spectrum CBD oil offers a middle-ground option, providing a limited range of other cannabinoids but still free from THC and other controlled cannabinoids.

Key Selling Points: It allows consumers to benefit from some of the additional compounds found in the hemp plant, like terpenes, without the risk of ingesting illegal substances.


Why Choose This Type: Broad-spectrum CBD oil is ideal for people who want the full range of beneficial cannabinoids found in the hemp plant but without THC and other controlled cannabinoids.

Key Selling Points: Broad-spectrum CBD products often contain additional beneficial compounds like terpenes and flavonoids, which may provide additional therapeutic benefits, known as the "entourage effect," without the risk of consuming illegal cannabinoids.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Full-spectrum CBD Oil contains all the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, including THC and other controlled substances. Due to the potential presence of controlled cannabinoids, this type is illegal in the UK.


Whole-Plant CBD includes not only cannabinoids but also other types of natural compounds found in the cannabis plant. Like full-spectrum CBD oil, whole-plant CBD is also illegal in the UK due to the potential presence of controlled cannabinoids.


Reading and Understanding CBD Labels

Deciphering the labels on CBD products can often feel like reading a new language. However, understanding these labels is crucial for ensuring you are buying a quality product that suits your needs. From the importance of product identity to recognising warning or caution statements, this section aims to demystify the sometimes complicated world of CBD labelling.

Importance of Product Identity

Why It Matters: The product identity gives you a basic understanding of what the product is. This is usually the name of the product and may include the type of CBD it contains (e.g., Broad-Spectrum, Isolate, etc.).

What to Look For: Make sure the identity is clear and straightforward, so you know exactly what you are purchasing. Unclear or misleading product identities can often be a red flag for low-quality products.

Understanding Net Quantity of Contents

Why It Matters: The net quantity refers to the total volume of CBD oil you will find in a bottle, always measured in millilitres (ml). This quantity is essential for understanding how much product you're getting and how long it might last based on your usage.

What to Look For: CBD oil bottles will typically contain 10ml, 15ml, or 30ml of oil. Ensure the net quantity aligns with your usage needs and that you are getting value for your money.

CBD Content and Concentration

Why It Matters: Beyond the net quantity, it's essential to understand the CBD content and concentration. The CBD content refers to the total amount of CBD added to the oil, measured in milligrams (mg). This figure usually ranges from 50mg to 5,000mg. The concentration indicates the strength of the CBD oil and will give you an idea of how much CBD is in the oil per millilitre. This information helps guide you on the potency of the product.

What to Look For: When choosing a CBD oil product, aim for one that aligns with your needs, preferences, and budget. Assess the CBD content and concentration to determine the product's potency. If you're new to CBD, you might want to start with a lower concentration and work your way up. Conversely, if you're an experienced user or have specific needs that require a more potent formula, look for higher concentrations. Always consider your budget as well, as higher concentrations usually come at a higher price point.

Example Table of CBD Content and Concentration

Ingredient Declaration on CBD Products

Why It Matters: Understanding the ingredients in your CBD oil is crucial for avoiding potential allergens and gauging the product's quality. Most CBD oils primarily contain CBD extract and a carrier oil, such as hemp seed oil, MCT oil, or olive oil, which aids in absorption. However, some may also include additional ingredients like flavourings or added vitamins.

What to Look For: A high-quality CBD oil typically has a concise list of recognisable ingredients. Look out for allergens or additives that you may want to avoid. If you have specific needs or flavour preferences, you might opt for products that contain natural flavours or additional beneficial ingredients like vitamins. Always opt for oils with carrier substances that you are comfortable with, keeping in mind that some carrier oils are more easily absorbed than others.

Warning or Caution Statements on CBD Labels

Why It Matters: Warning or caution statements on CBD oil labels offer vital information about the product's safety.  In the UK, it's essential to note that CBD oil labels should not make medical claims. Moreover, labels should bear the Food Standards Agency (FSA) recommendation stating that daily intake should not exceed 70mg.

What to Look For: Read these statements attentively to ensure the product is suitable for your specific health conditions and doesn't interact with other medications you may be taking. Confirm that the label adheres to FSA guidelines and avoids making medical claims.


How to Shop for Quality CBD Oil

When shopping for CBD oil, it's essential to sift through the saturated market to find quality products that are both effective and safe. In your quest for a high-quality CBD oil, you should consider examining Certificates of Analysis (COA), verifying third-party testing, and researching the brand's reputation. Here's a breakdown to help you navigate through these steps:

Checking for Certificate of Analysis (COA)

Why It Matters: A Certificate of Analysis (COA) is a crucial document that verifies the content and purity of CBD oil. It provides a detailed look at the various compounds in the product, going beyond just CBD to include other cannabinoids, terpenes, and any potential contaminants.

What to Look For: Always review the COA for the CBD oil you are considering. Confirm that the CBD content on the COA aligns with the claims made on the product label. Also, look for any indicators of harmful substances such as heavy metals or pesticides. Reputable brands should make the COA readily available on their website or upon request.

Importance of Third-Party Testing

Why It Matters: Third-party testing provides an unbiased review of the CBD oil's quality and safety. It's a rigorous process that ensures you're getting exactly what is listed on the label, adding an extra layer of consumer confidence.

What to Look For: Choose CBD oil products that have been comprehensively tested by a third-party lab. The lab's COA should be current and easy to find, usually posted on the brand's website. Make sure the testing covers a full panel of screenings, including cannabinoid content, terpenes, and safety screenings for harmful substances.

Recognising Reputable CBD Brands

Why It Matters: The credibility of a CBD brand is often an indicator of the quality of its products. Established brands have something to lose and are generally more committed to maintaining high standards.

What to Look For: Opt for brands that have transparent sourcing and use safe standard methods for extracting CBD. Reputable brands will often have numerous customer reviews and testimonials, as well as professional affiliations with industry associations. The more information a brand provides about their practices, the more confident you can be in their products.

By focusing on these three aspects, you can better ensure that you're purchasing a quality CBD oil tailored to your needs.


Navigating the legal landscape for CBD oil in the UK can be confusing but is essential for ensuring that your purchase is compliant with local laws. This includes familiarising yourself with the UK's Misuse of Drugs Act, regulations on THC content, and the Novel Foods Regulations specific to CBD products.

Misuse of Drugs Act and CBD

The UK Misuse of Drugs Act categorises substances into Class A, B, and C. Cannabis is classified as a Class B drug, but CBD itself is not controlled under this legislation as long as it is free from THC and other controlled cannabinoids. When shopping for CBD oil, it's crucial to purchase from vendors that offer third-party lab results confirming the absence of controlled substances in their products.

THC Content Regulations in the UK

Former rules allowing minimal levels of THC in CBD products are now obsolete. In the UK, CBD oils containing any amount of THC or other controlled cannabinoids are technically illegal. Always check third-party lab reports to ensure that the CBD oil has no detectable levels of THC or other controlled cannabinoids. If this information is not readily available or clear, it's safer to choose another product.

Novel Foods Regulations

CBD products, including oils, fall under the UK's Novel Foods Regulations. These rules require that any food product not commonly consumed in the EU before 1997 undergo a specific safety assessment and authorisation process. Always check that the CBD oil you are considering is compliant with Novel Foods Regulations, as this indicates the product has passed rigorous safety checks. This information is usually stated clearly on the brand's website or product packaging.

Safety Considerations When Buying CBD Oil

While CBD oil is considered to have a good safety profile, it's still essential to consider safety implications as well. Understanding the possible side effects, how it might interact with other medications, and its use during pregnancy will help you make an informed decision. It's crucial to adhere to guidelines set forth by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for optimal safety.

Possible Side Effects of CBD

Like any supplement, CBD oil is not without its side effects. Though generally considered to be well-tolerated, some individuals may experience side effects such as dizziness, dry mouth, or gastrointestinal discomfort. The FSA recommends not exceeding a daily CBD dosage of 70mg, stating that “Some scientific studies suggest CBD can affect the liver if taken at higher doses, but there have been very few studies relevant to levels found in food."

Interactions with Other Medications

CBD oil may interact with other medications, including those with a grapefruit warning. The FSA recommends that individuals taking any medication should not consume CBD products unless under the supervision of a healthcare provider. If you are currently on medication, consult your doctor before adding CBD oil to your routine to ensure it won't cause harmful interactions.

CBD Use During Pregnancy

The FSA advises against the use of CBD oil during pregnancy. According to the FSA, CBD products should not be consumed by "pregnant or breastfeeding women" unless under medical advice. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, consult your healthcare provider for guidance before using CBD oil.

Safety should always be a priority when considering the purchase and use of CBD oil. Adhering to the FSA guidelines and consulting with healthcare providers will help you make a decision that aligns with both your health needs and safety considerations.


Where to Buy CBD Oil UK

Finding the right place to buy your CBD oil is vital because it directly impacts the quality, cost, and convenience of your purchase. The diverse options available for purchasing CBD oil each come with their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. Here's a deeper look into each:

Health Food Stores and Other High Street Stores

High street stores like Holland and Barrett, Boots, and Superdrug have become increasingly popular spots for buying CBD oil. These stores usually offer a small range of brands and types. Holland and Barrett now offers a wide variety of CBD products including several low strength oils.

Pros: The primary advantage here is immediate purchase and gratification. You can physically inspect products, and many of these stores offer samples. Staff at specialised health food stores usually have a good level of expertise about the products. Some stores also stock a variety of CBD products, including CBD oil, CBD gummies and CBD capsules.

Cons: However, the costs at high street stores can be higher than other sources due to overheads. Selection may also be limited to certain brands or types.



Pharmacies have started to stock CBD oils as public interest has increased. While they might not offer the range you'd find in a specialised store, they provide an added layer of trust for some consumers.

Pros: Staff are usually well-informed and can offer medical advice that might be more reliable than the guidance at other retail spots. You also have the peace of mind of purchasing from a healthcare-focused establishment.

Cons: However, the selection in pharmacies is usually limited, and prices can often be higher than online retailers.


Supermarkets are perhaps the most convenient places to purchase CBD oil for the everyday consumer. You can pick it up along with your weekly groceries, although your choices might be more restricted. Not all UK supermarkets currently stock CBD oil, but it’s becoming increasingly common to see one or two low-strength products available. 

Pros: The convenience factor is significant here; you can grab your CBD oil while shopping for your groceries. Some larger chains might offer various brands.

Cons: The range is generally limited, and staff might not have specialised knowledge about CBD oil. Also, the prices can be higher than online platforms.

Online Retailers

With the rise of e-commerce, online retailers have become one of the most popular and reliable places to purchase CBD oil.

Pros: Online platforms often offer the most extensive selection and the best prices, giving you the opportunity to find a product that best meets your needs. Renowned sites like Bud and Tender provide high-quality natural CBD products, including premium CBD oil, complete with customer reviews and third-party lab reports for added transparency.

Additional benefits include frequent sales and the opportunity to use coupon codes for further discounts, like the code BLOG15 you can use at Bud & Tender to get 15% off your total. Many online retailers also offer next-day delivery options, providing a convenient and efficient shopping experience without the need to enter congested city centres.

Cons: The downside is that you can't physically inspect the product before purchasing, and depending on shipping times, you may have to wait for delivery.



Purchasing CBD oil in the UK involves a variety of considerations ranging from legal regulations to safety profiles and convenient buying options. It's vital to ensure any product you choose is compliant with the UK's Novel Foods Regulations for guaranteed safety standards.

Always heed the guidelines set forth by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), especially concerning possible side effects, medication interactions, and the use of CBD during pregnancy.

When it comes to buying options, each venue—be it high street stores, pharmacies, supermarkets, or online retailers—offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages in terms of product range, cost, and expert advice. Carefully weigh these factors based on your individual needs and consult healthcare providers as necessary to make an informed decision.

Whether you're a first-time buyer or a regular consumer, adhering to these guidelines and options will help you make a purchase that aligns with both your health requirements and safety considerations.